NUTRITECH CrossFit Athletes throw down in Pretoria.

22, 23 April 2016
NUTRITECH Athlete Jaco van der Vyver from CrossFit Valley Road elaborates on the happenings of the weekend.
“Being from the windy city can sometimes be quite challenging taking on Pretoria’s altitude and crisp cold air. That however had no effect on the performance of the very nervous but positive CrossFit community. 150 male teams and 73 ladies teams took on multiple varied CrossFit and functional movements in a really short space of time. Some were very basic, but those usually lead to the downfall of top teams, others were more skill full and challenging especially towards the last few workouts and finals. There you could really separate the cream from the crop. Overall I had a really good experience with fellow Nutritech CrossFit athlete Dave Levey and managed to place 5th overall after a hiccup on our second workout. Consistency in this sport as with many others will always be the key to success.
NUTRITECH Team results were as follows:
- 6th – Team Green – Dave Levey + Jaco van der Vyver.
- 2nd – The Powerpuff Girls – Dina Swift + Janine Pennial.
- 3rd – Slam ‘n Angels – Nicole Seymour + Dianne Hope.